SaraKIT Object Detection for Raspberry Pi 4 CM4
SaraKIT is an easy-to-use object detection solution for Raspberry Pi 4 CM4, powered by state-of-the-art algorithms based on MediaPipe from Google, specifically optimized for the Raspberry Pi 64-bit platform.
MediaPipe Object Detection
The MediaPipe Object Detector task lets you detect the presence and location of multiple classes of objects within images or videos. For example, an object detector can locate dogs within an image. Each detection result represents an object that appears within the image or video.
To utilize SaraKIT for object detection, follow these steps:
- Clone repository, compile the code by running the command 'make' and execute the program:
git clone ObjectDetection cd ObjectDetection make ./ObjectDetection
- The program captures frames from the camera, processes them, and sends the output.
- Preview the operation in your web browser by accessing the Raspberry Pi's IP address followed by port 7777
- (e.g., http://raspberrypi:7777/ or
If you have the Linux Desktop version and want to display the image from the camera in a window, change this line:
init_viewer(ViewMode::Camera0,ViewMode::Processed, 1, true, false); - The browser preview displays one or two images side by side, where the content of each image can be customized. By default, the left image shows the camera preview, while the right image displays the detected face along with face landmarks. Refer to the video below for a similar visualization.
Both the standard Raspberry Pi MMAL functions and OpenCV functions (slightly slower) can be used to capture frames from the camera.
#include <iostream>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "unistd.h"
#include "struct.hpp"
#include "lib/viewer/viewer.hpp"
#include "lib/mediapipe/Mediapipe.hpp"
using namespace std;
cv::Mat frame0, frame0Gray, frame0GrayHalf, frame0GrayHalfEdge; // cam0
cv::Mat frame1, frame1Gray, frame1GrayHalf, frame1GrayHalfEdge; // cam1
cv::Mat imgProcessed;
ViewerStatus viewStatus;
void ctrlc_handler(sig_atomic_t s){
printf("\nCaught signal %d\n",s);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
imgProcessed=cv::Mat(camheight, camwidth, CV_8UC3);
init_camera(0, camwidth, camheight, false, false, true, true, true);
std::vector<mpobject::Object> objects;
MediapipeObject mo;
FrameResultSynchroniser objectSync(200);
printf("Start Loop\n");
do {
// Get frame to frame,frameGray,frameGrayHalf
if (GetFrame()==0) { //GetFrame()==1 (new frame from cam0 ==1, ==2 from cam1, ==3 from cam0 & cam 1)
//here you have time to do anything
int reso=objectSync.getFrameFromId(mo.getObjects(objects),imgProcessed);
if (reso&&objects.size()) {
viewStatus = viewer_refresh();
} while (viewStatus != ViewerStatus::Exit && control_c != true);
return 1;
SaraKIT Github repository: