Install and Run C++ Google Voice Command

U can use our prebuilt libraries stored in our repository saraKIT

Add pkg_config path:

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:~/<path to saraKIT>/GoogleAssistant/libs/lib/pkgconfig/

Get credentials

Becouse we are using two types of authetfication we need two keys.

Create a project in the Google Cloud Platform Console. If you haven't already created a project, create one now. Projects enable you to manage all Google Cloud Platform resources for your app, including deployment, access control, billing, and services.

Open the Cloud Platform Console. 
In the drop-down menu at the top, select Create a project.
Give your project a name.
Make a note of the project ID, which might be different from the project name. The project ID is used in commands and in configurations.

Enable billing for your project. If you haven't already enabled billing for your project, enable billing now. Enabling billing allows the application to consume billable resources such as Speech API calls. See Cloud Platform Console Help for more information about billing settings.

Enable APIs for your project. Click here to visit Cloud Platform Console and enable the Speech API.

Download service account credentials. These samples use service accounts for authentication.

Visit the Cloud Console, and navigate to: API Manager > Credentials > Create credentials > Service account key
Under Service account, select New service account.
Under Service account name, enter a service account name of your choosing. For example, transcriber.
Under Role, select Project > Owner.
Under Key type, leave JSON selected.
Click Create to create a new service account, and download the json credentials file.
Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to your downloaded service account credentials:

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/credentials-key.json

See the Cloud Platform Auth Guide for more information.

Build project

Execute make

make -j4

now you can simply run:

./voiceCommand <gApiKEY>

replace <gapiKEY> by your key

when you say "Say Hello" it will reply "Hello" 

Here you can config your actions Manager Executor


You can find C++ and Python code for Raspberry Pi4 in the
SaraKIT Github repository: